Monday, March 23, 2009

Spring Training

Well Arwen is doing well. I have not had a lot of time to blog lately with spring being here and us being so busy. Kyle is training Arwen and they are both doing well. He longes her and is learning how to groom better. She is very good and stands still. She got her feet done the other day and did pretty good for a 2 yr old. She snatched a bit on front but then decided that mom scratching her face was more interesting, so she then proceeded to doze off. She always makes me laugh so hard. She is a real character. She has discovered the pond and has been filthy every day so we have to groom and rinse her often. She is always the first one to greet us when we go into the pasture and loves to follow us around like a HUGE puppy. Everyone at the barn talks about how lovely and sweet she is. We are really proud to have her with us.

Kyle longes her with a soft rope instead of a whip. She does well except she is a bit clingy sometimes so he is working on teaching her boundaries. She is so willing to please it is not like training time at all. I think she will be really easy to saddle train.
I will post more pictures of her shortly.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad to know she went to a great home and that y'all are enjoying her so much. We miss her. I can't wait to see those pictures!
